Think Organise Write: Turn Thinking into Writing Using Graphic Organisers

Think > Organise > Write: will help students plan writing tasks using graphical organisers - visual ways of representing, organising and communicating...
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9781921228957
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Think > Organise > Write: will help students plan writing tasks using graphical organisers - visual ways of representing, organising and communicating ideas. The book models how to use this planning to write full, detailed responses across a range of styles.

Features include:
- an explanation of six levels of thinking skills
- clear definition and purpose of each graphical organiser used
- illustrations of graphic organisers
- 25 examples of the writing tasks using the information from the graphic organiser, highlighting key terms and language used
- a multi skills section: illustrating a combination of thinking levels, giving 7 examples of graphic organisers and writing
- a writing revision section: giving general guidelines on simple sentences, compound and complex sentences, paragraphs and editing.
Year Level: 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 and 12 
Subject: English | Subject: Language 


Generic planning process using graphic organisers
Part 1: Thinking skills, graphic organisers, writing tasks
Lower Order Thinking Skills

Thinking Level 1 - Knowledge [remembering] Plan and write using graphic organisers:
a. Note-taking
b. Story Map
c. Timeline

Thinking Level 2 - Comprehension [understanding]
Plan and write using graphic organisers:
a. Concept Map - Spider Map
b. Concept Map - Hierarchical Map
c. Table

Thinking Level 3 - Application [transferring information]
Plan and write using graphic organisers:
a. Flow Chart
b. Persuasion Map
c. Storyboard
d. Y Chart
Higher Order Thinking Skills

Thinking Level 4 - Analysis [breaking down information]
Plan and write using graphic organisers:
a. Venn Diagram
b. Ranking Ladder
c. Sociogram
d. For and Against Chart
e. SWOT Analysis
f. Cause and Effect - Fishbone Map

Thinking Level 5 - Evaluation [judging information]
Plan and write using graphic organisers:
a. PMI Chart
b. Balance Bar/Scale of Bias
c. Effects Wheel
d. Reflective Questioning
e. Socratic Questioning

Thinking Level 6 - Creation [producing new information] Plan and write using graphic organisers:
a. Reframing Matrix
b. Scamper Chart
c. Lotus Diagram

Multi Skills
A combination of several thinking levels [e.g. remembering, understanding, analysing,
synthesising/creating, evaluating/reflecting]
Plan and write using graphic organisers:
a. Mind Map
b. KWL
c. A-Z Organiser
d. Planning Matrix
e. Issues Map
f. 5W's + H
g. Reflective Journal

Part 2: Writing Revision
General guidelines
a. Simple sentences
b. Compound and complex sentences
c. Paragraphs
d. Editing
Products specifications
Attribute nameAttribute value
AudiencePrimary and secondary / elementary and high school
Author(s)Anne Quill Anne Townsend
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