Animal ShowdownRound 3

Wolverines and weasels battle it out for nastiest reputation. Chameleons and cuttlefish vie for the most-colourful crown. Scorpions and jellyfish make...
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Wolverines and weasels battle it out for nastiest reputation. Chameleons and cuttlefish vie for the most-colourful crown. Scorpions and jellyfish make their case as the venom victor. But wait till you get the full lowdown on these awesome animals before you pick your winner–you might be surprised by who comes out on top! Stats, fun facts, photos, and in-depth profiles about each creature contender will help you size up each creature in more than a dozen mighty matchups. An epic eating contest provides a superfun ending for this jam-packed book, one that's perfect for sports fans and animal-crazy kids.

Author(s)Kids, National Geographic