Blog posts of '2022' 'February'

The weak are strong

"The grass is not broken when the wind blows, and the weak are strong." It can withstand strong winds and rain and can withstand the burning of wildfires. Being like the grass is a kind of profound wisdom, and it is also a lifelong practice. When encountering hardships, do not give in; when going through lows, do not admit defeat. There are thousands of people in the world, each with different strengths and weaknesses. Their growth environment, social experience, working environment, cognition and favourite lifestyle are all different.

Benevolence and wealth

No goodness, no blessings are to be gained; virtue is not established, no wealth is to be built. As it says: a gentleman loves money and earns it in a proper way. The accumulation of wealth has never been achieved overnight. It requires patience, persistence, time, and good character. If you want to pursue material wealth, you must gain benevolence and morality first. In the process of developing your benevolence and morality, wealth will be following. To abandon virtue in the pursuit of wealth is to put the cart before the horse.