Excel Revise in a Month NAPLAN*-style Tests Year 2

Publisher: Pascal Press
ISBN: 9781741254198
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Prepare for the Year 3 NAPLAN Tests a year early, so you can get a he ad start!

Excel Revise in a Month Year 2 NAPLAN* -style Tests:

• Includes an introduction to the NAP LAN* Tests.
• Covers the essential Literacy and Numeracy compo nents assessed in the NAPLAN* Tests: topics for Literacy include Spellin g, Grammar, Punctuation, Reading and Writing; topics for Numeracy includ e Number and  Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Pro bability.
• Provides a balanced five-day-a-week program that h elps you direct your child to exactly what to revise each day.
&bul l; Provides plenty of varied exercises, real test practice and two sampl e test papers.
• Includes fully explained answers to all quest ions and a detailed marking guide for writing questions.


Week 1 – Number and Algebra, Spelling, G rammar and Punctuation, Reading, Writing
Week 2 – Number and Algebra, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation, Reading, Writing
Week 3 – Measurement and Geometry, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation, Re ading, Writing
Week 4 – Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Probability, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation, Reading, Writing
Sample Test Papers

* This is not an officially endorsed publication of the NAPLAN program and is pro duced by Pascal Press independently of Australian governments.</p >

Products specifications
Attribute nameAttribute value
AudiencePrimary and secondary / elementary and high school
Author(s)Pascal Press
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