Pearson English Year 6

When Jonas’s great-grandfather, Koro, comes to stay, Jonas’s holiday plans are destroyed. Instead of skating with his mates, Jonas has to listen to th...
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 9781486014675
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When Jonas’s great-grandfather, Koro, comes to stay, Jonas’s holiday plans are destroyed. Instead of skating with his mates, Jonas has to listen to the old man’s boring stories. After an argument about saving the world, Koro gives Jonas a mysterious greenstone pendant. Jonas is plunged into a real-life survival game across the planet. Only the guardians can help him, but if Jonas uses all his tokens he won’t survive.

This reader is classified as Reading Level 30++ / Fountas and Pinnell Level W-Y. Visit our Levelled readers page for further information on reading levels.

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AudiencePrimary and secondary / elementary and high school
Author(s)Melaina Faranda
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