Pearson Student Magazine for Years 3 - 6 focuses on History, Sciences, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, and Health and Physical Education with the following details:
History of Humanities and Social Sciences throughout Year 3 to Year 6 Sciences of Living or Non-Living and Night and day (Year 3); A material World and Theme Park Forces (Year 4); Adapt and Survive! and Up and Beyond! (Year 5); Extreme Changes and Power up! (Year 6) Geography of Australia and Our Neighbours (Year 3); What a Waste! and Our World, Our Place (Year 4); Impact! and Places and Spaces! (Year 5); Diversity and Australia and Asia (Year 6) Civics and Citizenship of Meet Our Neighbours (Year 3); Let's Vote! (Year 5); Governing Australia (Year 6) Physical Education of Healthy Body, Healthy Mind (Year 3); Healthy Living (Year 4); Being Active (Year 5); Decisions (Year 6) 排序由 預設 名稱: A 到 Z 價格: 從低到高 價格: 從高到低 名稱: Z 到 A 創建於
顯示 144 每頁
Read Healthy Body, Healthy Mind to find out the answers to these questions. What is physical activity? Why should kids be physically active? How...
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Read Let's Celebrate! to find out the answers to these questions. What special events do we celebrate? Why do people celebrate together? What ce...
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Read Living or Non-living? to find out the answers to these questions. What is a living thing? What do living things need to stay alive? What is...
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Read Making a Difference to find out the answers to these questions. What is a community? Why might some people in a community need help? Which ...
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Read Meet Our Neighbours to find out the answers to these questions. Which nations are near Australia? How are these countries similar to and diff...
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Read Night and Day to find out the answers to these questions. What causes daytime and night time? What is an eclipse? What happens when the Moo...
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Read School, Then and Now to find out the answers to these questions. What do you like about school? How has school life changed? How did studen...
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Read This Is Australia to find out the answers to these questions. What are Australia’s states and territories? What is the difference between nat...
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Read Brave and Adventurous to find out the answers to these questions. Why did journeys of exploration occur? Who travelled to Australia first? ...
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Read Great Southern Land to find out the answers to these questions. Why were convicts sent to Australia? How did the convicts get to Australia? ...
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Read Healthy Living to find out the answers to these questions. What makes a good diet? What are the five main food groups? What foods should we...
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Read Our World, Our Place to find out the answers to these questions. How does the environment support the lives of plants, animals and people? Wh...
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Read Theme Park Forces to find out the answers to these questions. Why are theme park rides so much fun? What forces are used in theme park rides?...
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Read What a Waste! to find out the answers to these questions. What is waste? What happens to waste in nature? What happens to the waste people p...
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Read A Lot to Offer to find out the answers to these questions. How did Aboriginal people contribute to the colonies? Which groups or individuals...
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Read Adapt and Survive! to find out the answers to these questions. Why do plants and animals adapt to changes in their environment? Why do human...
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Read Being Active to find out the answers to these questions. What sports and games are popular in Australia? How are Australian sports similar to...
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Read Eureka! A Colony Grows to find out the answers to these questions. What problems did farmers face in Australia in the early days and how were t...
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Read Impact! to find out the answers to these questions. How do floods and bushfires impact the environment? How do floods and bushfires impact com...
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Read Let’s Vote! to find out the answers to these questions. What is a democracy? What are the advantages and disadvantages of compulsory voting? ...
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Read Places and Spaces to find out the answers to these questions. Which human needs shape where we live? What gives places a unique cultural iden...
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Read Up and Beyond! to find out the answers to these questions. What is meant by the term ‘solar system’? How do the planets in our solar system s...
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Read Australia and Asia to find out the answers to these questions. How do places, people and cultures differ across the world? What are some of ...
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Read Decisions to find out the answers to these questions. What decisions might I need to make? How do I respond to difficult decisions? Who can I...
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Read Diversity to find out the answers to these questions. How have people from different cultures explained the creation of the world? What are ...
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Read Extreme Changes to find out the answers to these questions. What causes materials to change? What is a reversible change? What is an irrevers...
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This reader is classified as Reading Level 30++ / Fountas and Pinnell Level W-Y. Visit our Levelled readers page for further information on ...
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Read Governing Australia to find out the answers to these questions. What are the responsibilities of each level of government? What are some of t...
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Read Power Up! to find out the answers to these questions. What are the options for cleaner production of power? Why is it important that we ...
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This reader is classified as Reading Level 30++ / Fountas and Pinnell Level W-Y. Visit our Levelled readers page for further information on ...
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