Simply Science – A complete science program Book 6 – Ages 10–11

The main aims of the Simply Science series are to idevelop positive attitudes, develop a basic level of science skills and introduce some ba...
Publisher: RIC
ISBN: 9781863111294
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The main aims of the Simply Science series are to idevelop positive attitudes, develop a basic level of science skills and introduce some basic scientific concepts.


  • Each year level covers topics from the physical and biological sciences.
  • Each year level has a set of introductory activities for use at the start of the year, which provides the teacher with the opportunity to reinforce basic skills and introduce procedures for science lessons.
  • Each topic has a comprehensive teacher information page that outlines specific objectives, gives background information and details the materials required for the lesson.
  • A page of subject integration activities is provided so that the teacher can integrate the topic throughout the curriculum and also record his or her own ideas.
  • The environment is a very important and relevant topic and several activities are provided so that this theme can be developed steadily over the primary school years. Wherever possible, the activities throughout the series aim at developing a strong attitude of conservation and awareness of the environment.
  • We live in a technological world. Therefore, part of each book is allocated to developing an awareness of the major technological advances that have occurred, starting with the potato peeler and ending with space travel. This section also highlights the achievements of several people famous for their contributions to technological advancement throughout history.