Theme-Sets for Secondary Students

  Theme-Sets for Secondary Students shows you how to choose fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and other genres for theme-sets. It offers ways to obtai...
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 9780325009148
Delivery date: 5-10 Business Days
Your price: $53.15
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Theme-Sets for Secondary Students shows you how to choose fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and other genres for theme-sets. It offers ways to obtain the books for your theme sets at low cost, as well as ideas on planning theme-based instruction, differentiating instruction using theme-sets, and sparking inquiry in all adolescents–even disinterested and struggling students. The discussion of each core text is accompanied by book lists, teaching points, inquiry activities that integrate the theme-sets with the core text, and suggestions for evaluating how learners are doing.

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Attribute nameAttribute value
AudienceCollege / higher education
Author(s)Jeannine Richison Anita H. Hernandez