Thomson Reuters

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A Civil Litigation Practice Manual - Book

In this new text, A Civil Litigation Practice Manual , the author, Assistant Professor Hugh Zillmann, the Director of Bond University’s Practical Lega...
$107.00 包含稅 $88.28 包含稅

A Practical Guide to Drafting Patents

This guide provides clear, practical guidance on how to go about drafting patents and considers both the legal and commercial issues involved. The boo...
$442.00 包含稅 $364.65 包含稅

A Practical Guide to Legal Research Fifth Edition - Book

A Practical Guide to Legal Research remains the most practical, concise and accessible guide to legal research. It presents the essential skills of le...
$116.00 包含稅 $95.70 包含稅

A Practical Guide to Managed Investments 3rd Edition

A Practical Guide to Managed Investments is an essential reference for those acting as existing responsible entities of managed investments, their adv...
$277.00 包含稅 $228.52 包含稅

A Practitioner's Guide to Alternative Investment Funds 3rd Edition

This extensively revised title is a comprehensive single volume resource for all those involved in the setting up and operation of funds. Written in j...
$484.00 包含稅 $399.30 包含稅

A Practitioner's Guide to Base III and Beyond

A Practitioner's Guide to Basel III and Beyond explains the revised Basel Accord framework due to be introduced by 2012 in the wake of the global fina...
$562.00 包含稅 $463.65 包含稅

A Practitioner's Guide to the European Convention on Human Rights 7th Edition

The foremost guide to this complex area of the law, The Practitioner’s Guide to the European Convention on Human Rights provides an exhaustive referen...
$411.00 包含稅 $339.08 包含稅

A Practitioner's Guide to Trade and Commodity Finance 2th Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to Trade and Commodity Finance examines all the main financing structures and many of the more unusual ones, the risks and risk...
$424.00 包含稅 $349.80 包含稅

Access Regulation in Australia

Access Regulation in Australia provides a much-needed guide to regulatory access issues, explaining the regimes currently in operation and the economi...
$237.00 包含稅 $195.52 包含稅