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Gatley on Libel & Slander 13th Edition

Now in its thirteenth edition and part of the prestigious Common Law Library, Gatley on Libel and Slander has established itself as the definitive wor...
$820.00 $676.50

Global Issues in Constitutional Law

The Global Issues Series from the USA presents books containing materials designed to facilitate the introduction of international, transnational and ...
$87.00 $71.78

Global Issues in Contract Law Spanogle Malloy Del Duca et al

The Global Issues Series from the USA presents books containing materials designed to facilitate the introduction of international, transnational and ...
$87.00 $71.78

Global Wine Regulation

Wine is a special agricultural commodity that has been characterised as a symphony of romance, civilization, culture and rural artisanship. It has als...
$119.00 $98.18

Goff and Jones The Law of Unjust Enrichmen 10th Edition

Goff & Jones is the leading work on the law of unjust enrichment. Successive editions have played a major role in establishing the central importance ...
$893.00 $736.72

Goode on Legal Problems of Credit 7e

Goode and Gullifer on Legal Problems of Credit and Security clearly explains the fundamental concepts of common law and equity as they affect secured ...
$464.00 $382.80

Goode on Payment Obligations 4th Edition

Goode on Payment Obligations in Commercial and Financial Transactions is the practitioner’s essential source of clear and in depth answers for issues ...
$524.00 $432.30

Goode on Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law 5th edition

The classic text on corporate insolvency law, providing a clear and comprehensive treatment of the fundamental principles underpinning insolvency law,...
$626.00 $516.45

Goode on Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law 5th edition

The classic text on corporate insolvency law, providing a clear and comprehensive treatment of the fundamental principles underpinning insolvency law,...
$626.00 $516.45

Goods in Transit 5th Edition

The subject matter of Goods in Transit is of increasing relevance as international trade and globalisation increase. The work gathers together and int...
$809.00 $667.42

Government Powers Under a Federal Constitutional Third Edition

In this new edition of Government Powers Under a Federal Constitution , John Pyke responds to the change that has taken place in constitutional case-l...
$150.00 $123.75

Gower: Principles of Modern Company Law 11th Edition

Gower's Principles of Modern Company Law presents the leading text available on company law, providing clarity while covering all key areas by way of ...
$84.00 $69.30

GST Legislation PLUS 2024

GST legislation is complex and difficult to apply and interpret, even for experts and there is sometimes insufficient guidance for many of the importa...
$225.01 $185.63

Guest on the Law of Assignment 5th Edition

This title provides you with all the guidance you need on the law governing the voluntary assignment of things in action. It covers the nature of assi...
$644.00 $531.30

Guide to Proceedings in the WA State Administrative Tribunal

Guide to Proceedings in the WA State Administrative Tribunal is the only clear, thorough, and practical guide for any lawyer or non-lawyer who appears...
$248.00 $204.60

Guide to Regulation of Insurance 6e

A Practitioner’s Guide to the Regulation of Insurance examines the UK and European regulatory regimes and their impact on the insurance industry, prov...
$455.00 $375.38

Hanbury on Modern Equity 22nd Edition

Hanbury & Martin: Modern Equity provides an up-to-date and modern account of this challenging area of the law. This twenty-second edition of the long-...
$84.00 $69.30

Handbook of ICC Arbitration: Commentary and Materials 5th Edition

“ a valuable contribution to ICC arbitration ” - Alexis Mourre, President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration Written by experienced practit...
$597.00 $492.52

Handbook of Investment Arbitration

The Handbook of Investment Arbitration covers the rules and substantive law in one easily transportable book providing everything you need for an ICSI...
$658.00 $542.85

Handbook of UNCITRAL Arbitration 4th Edition

The Handbook of UNCITRAL Arbitration presents a practical, rule by rule guide to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, offering in-depth commentary, analysi...
$589.00 $485.92

Health Care & the Law 6th edition

Health Care & the Law , now in its sixth edition, provides a detailed and clear examination of legal processes as they relate to health care professio...
$185.00 $152.62

Health Care and the Law Fifth Edition

Health Care and the Law is recognised as one the leading texts setting out the basic principles of health care law in New Zealand....
$170.01 $140.26

Health Law in Australia Fourth Edition

Health Law in Australia is Australia’s leading text in this area and was the first book to deal with health law on a comprehensive national basis. In ...
$175.00 $144.38

Hedge Funds - Jurisdictional Comparison 2nd

Hedge Funds is an essential guide that enables you to make quick comparisons between 46 international jurisdictions worldwide. The new 2nd edition exa...
$509.00 $419.92

Hedge Funds and the Law 3rd Edition

Hedge Funds and the Law provides a comprehensive guide to setting up and operating hedge funds. This book covers all the key legal, regulatory, and ta...
$651.00 $537.08

Helping Jurors Understand (Canada)

Helping Jurors Understand is an invaluable resource to both judges and lawyers. By examining the criminal trial process and the jurors’ role in it, th...
$216.00 $178.20

Hewitt on Joint Ventures 7th Edition

Hewitt on Joint Ventures 7th edition analyses a variety of transactions where two or more existing entities agree to establish and participate in a co...
$775.01 $639.38

Highway Law 6th Edition

Highway Law is a popular and well-established text covering all aspects of the law governing highways. This new edition provides a detailed and practi...
$569.00 $469.42

Homicide - The Laws of Australia

Homicide – The Laws of Australia is an accessible and innovative text which uses a principles-based approach to analyse the central concepts of the la...
$215.00 $177.38

How To Investigate: Fundamentals Of Effective Fact-finding 2nd Edition

How To Investigate: Fundamentals of Effective Fact-finding, 2nd Ed. is an indispensable resource for conducting investigations of any kind, including ...
$221.00 $182.32

Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts 14th Edition Mainwork + Supplement

Built on the wealth of practical, commercial and legal experience accumulated by the authors, Hudson’s Building and Engineering Contracts provides a c...
$1,424.01 $1,174.81

Human Rights and Criminal Justice 3rd Edition

"The fundamental text on the subject" – New Law Journal This book provides a full and systematic analysis of the impact of UK human rights law on both...
$415.00 $342.38

Illegality and Public Policy 6th Edition

Professor Buckley’s work, Illegality and Public Policy, sets out fully and clearly the law relating to illegality, public policy and restraint of trad...
$544.01 $448.81

Income Taxation Commentary & Materials Tenth Edition

This edition continues to focus on lasting skills for interpretation of this constantly evolving area of law. Distinctive commentary from leading tax ...
$150.00 $123.75

Index to Legal Citations and Abbreviations 4th edition

Supplies the most comprehensive listing of abbreviations and acronyms used in legal citations and references of any book - over 37,000 listings Includ...
$442.00 $364.65

Indictable Offences in Queensland

Indictable Offences in Queensland provides barristers, solicitors and judges with clear, concise guidance on the law governing serious crime in Queens...
$190.00 $156.75