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NZ Taxation Legislation 2024

New Zealand Taxation Legislation Handbook 2024 is the essential legislative resource for accounting and taxation law students, and a companion text to...
$164.16 $135.43

NZ Taxation Principles 2024 Cases & Questions

New Zealand Taxation 2024: Principles, Cases and Questions contains all the updated information necessary for the 2023-24 income tax year. Chapter 1, ...
$153.00 $126.22

O'Hare and Browne Civil Litigation 20th Edition

This book explains how the Civil Procedure Rules work in practice. The book covers the entire spectrum of civil litigation providing a step-by-step gu...
$293.00 $241.72

Oil & Gas - Jurisdictional Comparison

Navigating the regulatory frameworks which apply to oil and gas projects around the world can be a complex challenge, particularly as industry investo...
$424.00 $349.80

Oil & Gas Contracts: Principles & Practice 3rd Edition

A handbook covering the law of upstream, midstream and downstream petroleum contracts. Covers standard industry documents providing the legal framewor...
$906.00 $747.45

Oil and Gas Exploration Contracts 3e

Oil and Gas Exploration Contracts offers invaluable guidance on the nature, use and terms of the contracts in the exploration phase. With its pragmati...
$906.00 $747.45

Oil and Gas Production Contracts 2nd Edition

Oil and Gas Production Contracts, 2nd edition, provides a thorough and systematic analysis of each agreement, enabling you to advise on any contract d...
$824.00 $679.80

On Equity (Softcover)

On Equity is a thorough and commanding examination of the practice and principles of equity, written by the the Honourable Justice Young, former Chief...
$256.00 $211.20

Opening Statements: Winning in the Beginning by Winning the Beginning, 2022 ed.

Opening Statements: Winning in the Beginning by Winning the Beginning teaches you what a trial is really about. Written by leaders in teaching persuas...
$504.00 $415.80

Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary 12th edition

First published in 1927, Osborn’s is the classic, concise dictionary of legal terms. Renowned for its comprehensive coverage including an extensive li...
$33.00 $27.22

Owner-Driver Law in Australia First Edition - Book

Owner-Driver Law in Australia provides overdue and desperately needed guidance through the statutes, regulations, and common law rules applying to thi...
$136.00 $112.20

Palmer on Bailment 3rd Edition

“A major achievement … A work capable of being used throughout the common law world… This is genuinely one of the few books that a common lawyers simp...
$1,368.00 $1,128.60

Paramedic Law & Regulation in Australia 1st edition

With paramedics being newly registered on a national level, Paramedic Law and Regulation in Australia is a timely addition to the paramedic law and et...
$126.01 $103.96

Parry and Kerridge: Law of Succession 13e

Parry and Kerridge: Law of Succession has been the leading textbook on the law of succession for over 70 years, providing the detail required for a fu...
$82.01 $67.66

Partnership Disputes

Partnership disputes are common in professional and non-professional spheres. Legal, accounting and taxation issues make them extremely complex to res...
$664.00 $547.80

Patent Claim Construction in the Federal Circuit, 2022 Edition

Recently cited by the United States Supreme Court in Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc. , this book is a concise, handy reference that collect...
$645.00 $532.12

Patent Law in Australia Fourth Edition - Book

Patent Law in Australia Fourth Edition provides an indispensable guide to obtaining, maintaining, enforcing and challenging the validity of patents in...
$295.00 $243.38

Performers' Rights 6th Edition

Performers’ Rights is the essential handbook for practitioners advising performers, their representatives, exploiters of performers’ rights and their ...
$736.00 $607.20

Personal Injury Pleadings 6th Edition

Supplying everything you need for settling pleadings in personal injury claims, Personal Injury Pleadings: Includes a comprehensive range of personal ...
$609.00 $502.42

Persuasive Trial Advocacy

Developing trial advocacy skills and implementing them is critical to all civil litigators. This publication demonstrates that trials are all about pe...
$219.00 $180.68

Piesse - The Elements of Drafting 10th Edition - Book

Piesse - The Elements of Drafting 10th Edition , is a practical drafting guide. Packaged in a convenient sized book, this is a useful resource for pra...
$141.00 $116.32

Pilkington on Creditor Schemes of Arrangement and Restructuring Plans 3rd Edition

Pilkington on Creditor Schemes of Arrangement and Restructuring Plans provides in-depth guidance on the legal principles, formal procedures and practi...
$740.00 $610.50

Pizer's Annotated VCAT Act 7th Edition

Pizer’s Annotated VCAT Act, 7th edition, authored by Emrys Nekvapil, is an invaluable resource for everyone who appears in the Victorian Civil and Adm...
$283.00 $233.48

Planning & Environmental Law in Western Australia

For the first time, with the publication of "Planning and Environemntal Law in Western Australia", planning and environmental lawyers, planners and st...
$154.00 $127.05

Pleading Precedents 7th Edition - Book

Pleading Precedents Seventh Edition provides the reader with a wide range of precedents for actions in contract, tort, and other general law areas, as...
$248.00 $204.60

Police Law and Practice in New Zealand - Book

Police Law and Practice is a comprehensive source that offers a complete treatment of police conduct and practice in New Zealand. It pulls together al...
$214.01 $176.56

Practical Company Law and Corporate Transactions, 3rd Edition

A practical, user-friendly guide to the requirements of company law, this book explains the UK law and how it works in practice. It covers all the mos...
$535.00 $441.38

Practical Employment Law First Edition

From ChatGPT and its impact at work, through to the federal government’s Secure Jobs Better Pay and Closing the Loopholes laws, Australian workplace l...
$95.00 $78.38

Practical Guide to Drafting Pleadings - Book

A Practical Guide to Drafting Pleadings provides a fresh approach to the process of drafting pleadings. Shelly Dunstone provides an insight into the f...
$210.00 $173.25

Practical Guide to Drafting Pleadings/Piesse: The Elements of Drafting 10th Edition

This pack contains the following texts: Practical Guide to Drafting Pleadings ; and Piesse: The Elements of Drafting 10th Edition....
$220.00 $181.50

Practical Legal Ethics 1st Edition

A succinct and practical reference guide for students and practitioners on the core ethical and professional responsibility duties. Each explained wit...
$98.00 $80.85

Practitioner's Guide to Investigations & Enforcement 3rd Edition

A Practitioner's Guide to Financial Services Investigations and Enforcement explains the key principles that underpin enforcement. This new 3rd editio...
$520.00 $429.00

Practitioner's Guide to MiFid II 3rd Edition

A Practitioners Guide to MiFID II provides details about MiFID II and MiFIR and the changes they make to MiFID. It is designed to provide an overview ...
$562.00 $463.65

Practitioner's Guide to the Law and Regulation of Market Abuse 3e

A Practitioner’s Guide to the Law and Regulation of Market Abuse covers all aspects of the law relating to market abuse in the United Kingdom. It exam...
$473.00 $390.22

Preston and Newsom: Restrictive Covenants Affecting Freehold Land 11th Edition

Preston and Newsom provides comprehensive guidance on the effect, enforcement, modification and removal of covenants restricting the use of freehold l...
$509.00 $419.92

Principles and Practice of Australian Law 4th edition - Book

The fourth edition of Principles and Practice of Australian Law maintains the emphasis on context and skills as keys to understanding law in its pract...
$136.00 $112.20