Excel Advanced Skills Workbook: Grammar and Punctuation Workbook Year 5

Publisher: Pascal Press
ISBN: 9781741254013
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Excel Advanced Skills Grammar and Punctuation Workbook Year 5 will help primary school students, aged 10–11, improve their grammar and punctuation in English and other subjects. Each unit has a different theme and focuses on a set of work d ealing with two or more grammar or punctuation rules and how they work i n everyday writing. All activities are designed to encourage students to think about and enjoy language, an d to give them meaningful practice in using it. This book is specificall y written for the Year 5 Australian Curriculum English course and includ es a glossary of terms to help students learn and use new words.< /p>

Key features:

  • 18 self-contained units of work, each with a different theme
  • introductory exercises to test recall
  • more challenging activities that require students t o apply their acquired knowledge
  • editing tasks that revise whole units
  • challenging and fun practice activities that also rei nforce the material learnt
  • graded NAPLAN*-style questions that test the unit as a whole and also h elp students revise for NAPLAN tests
  • writing tasks that encourage students to write their own text using the grammar and punctuation they have learnt
  • a comprehensive glossary of terms used in the book
  • answers to all questi ons

This book is part of the Excel Advanced Skills series, which provides students w ith more challenging extension work in grammar and punctuation.

* This is not a n officially endorsed publication of the NAPLAN program and is produced by Pascal Press independently of Australian governments.

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Products specifications
Attribute name Attribute value
Format Paperback
Audience Primary and secondary / elementary and high school
Author(s) Pascal Press