Excel Advanced Skills Workbook: Spelling and Vocabulary Workbook Year 3

Publisher: Pascal Press
ISBN: 9781741252606
Delivery date: 5-10 Business Days
Your price: $14.21
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This book is part of the Excel Advanced Skills series, which provides students with more challenging extension work in spelling and vocabular y. The Excel Advanced Skills series of Sp elling and Vocabulary Workbooks for Years 3-6 will help primary school s tudents improve their spelling and vocabulary - in English and in other subjects. Each unit has a different theme and focuses on a set of work d ealing with words: what they mean and how to spell them. All activities are designed to encourage students to think about and enjoy language, an d to give them meaningful practice in using it.

In this book you will find:

  • Fifteen self-contained units of work, each with a different theme
  • Topic spelling lists with eighteen words
  • Spelling lists focusing on common patterns
  • 'Tricky wo rds' and tips to remember them
  • Practical spelling strategies
  • Activities to practise and improve spelling
  • Strategies t o expand students' knowledge of words and their meanings, and a variety of practice activities
  • Activities which encourage students to u se context when reading to develop their word power
  • Engaging an d relevant writing tasks
  • Three comprehensive spelling review un its
  • Answers to all questions
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Format Paperback
Audience Primary and secondary / elementary and high school
Author(s) Brown, Kristine
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