The NAPLAN Tests use a single scale which has ten levels (bands) of a chievement in total for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The Year 3 NAPLAN Tests use only six of these bands. Each student??s performance in the Numeracy, L anguage Conventions, Reading and Writing Tests will be assessed and plac ed into a band. In this book, all the questions in each test have been a rranged to correspond with Bands 1–? ??6 (the bands for Year 3). p>
This book includes:??
- NAPLAN*-style Tests in Numeracy , Language Conventions and Reading with questions arranged in order of d ifficulty??
- NAPLAN*-style Writing Test??
- detailed answ ers with explanations and tips for Numeracy, Language Conventions, Readi ng and Writing??
- a Marking Grid with answers showing bands and question topics??
- a Student Answer Sheet?? answers to the E xcel Test Zone Sample Numeracy, Language Conventions, Reading and W riting Tests??
- a CD-ROM (containing all the material in this bo ok) which can be used on an interactive whiteboard or computer
Prepare your students for the NAPLAN* Tests the ONLINE WAY!
Excel Test Zone is an online resource for teachers to prepare t heir students for national tests such as NAPLAN*.
Students prepar e for these tests in a fun, educational and interactive environment. As a teacher you will be able to track individual student results in each t est topic so that you can focus on improving specific areas of weakness.
To take a FREE test or learn more about EXCEL TEST ZONE visit
* This is not an o fficially endorsed publication of the NAPLAN program and is produced by Pascal Press independently of Australian governments.