Connections Maths 9 Stage 5. 2 / 5. 1 together with Connections Maths 10 Stage 5. 2 /5. 1 provide complete coverage of the outcomes for Stage 5. 2 / 5. 1. The outcomes for Stage 5. 3 / 5. 2 are covered in Connecti ons Maths Stage 5. 3 / 5. 2 / 5. 1 and Connections Maths Stage 5. 3 / 5. 2 / 5. 1.
- outcomes at the start of every chapter
- a dynamic full colour design that clearly distinguishes theory, examples, exercises, and features
- carefully graded exe rcises with worked examples and solutions linked to each
- cartoo ns offering helpful hints
- working mathematically strands that a re fully integrated. These also feature regularly in challenging section s designed as extension material which also contain interesting historic al and real life context
- a chapter review to revise and consoli date learning in each chapter
- speed skills sections to revise a nd provide mental arithmetic skills
- problem solving application strategies with communication and reasoning through an inquiry approach
- a comprehensive Diagnostic test providing a cumulative review of learning in all chapters, cross referenced to each exercise
- integrated technology activities
- literacy skills develop langua ge skills relevant to each chapter
- fully linked icons to accomp anying CD-ROM
- he student CD-ROM accompanying this textbook can be used at school or at home for further explanation and learning
< /ul> Each CD-ROM contains:
- interactive diagnostic text - perfect revision for all Stage 4 work. The regenerative nature of the p rogram allows for an almost limitless number of varied tests of equal di fficulty. This test can be used prior to commencing Stage 5 work
dynamic geometry activities using WinGeom and Cabri software for stude nt investigations - using technology with formatted Excel spreadsheets
- full textbook with links to the above