ABC Reading Eggs My First Handwriting Workbook Ages 4-6

Publisher: Pascal Press
ISBN: 9781742151731
Delivery date: 5-10 Business Days
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ABC Reading Eggs - My First - Handwriting book is pa rt of the My First series of Reading Eggs workbooks. More than 200 000 children have cracked reading using the Reading Eggs website and books. Reading Eggs is a breakthrough in learn ing to read, combining online lessons with activity books, reading books and now these all new My First books.

Each of t he My First books focuses on a key skill that children need to become good readers and writers. This book focuses on handwritin g with a wide range of educational activities that children will enjoy.< /p>

Products specifications
Attribute name Attribute value
Audience Primary and secondary / elementary and high school
Format Paperback
Edition 0