WA Targeting Handwriting Student Book Year 3

Publisher: Pascal Press
ISBN: 9781920728328
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TheTargeting Handwriting Year 3 Student Bookfocuses on teaching the b asic joins.

The book includes:

  • diagonal joins, horiz ontal joins and touch joins
  • joining to ascenders
  • lette rs that don't join
  • tracking exercises to introduce joins
  • < /ul>

    Handwriting is one of the most crucial skills students will deve lop in primary school. Targeting Handwriting covers the handwriting curr iculum in a clear and structured way, with content linked to Western Aus tralian Strand Outcome Statements. To be competent writers, students' ha ndwriting needs to be fluent and legible. Regular practice, three to fou r times a week in fine motor skills and in letter formation will ensure the development of good handwriting habits.

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Format Paperback
Audience Primary and secondary / elementary and high school
Author(s) Pinsker, Jane & Young, Susan